Social media can seem like a burden of time and creativity. Different people have different abilities and varying interests. When it comes to franchise networks, this normally results in a messy patchwork of social media posts across the brand. So, does it matter?
In a word, Yes.
So why does a messy patchwork of social media posting, of varying quantity and quality matter?
The Brand
The key to a brands success is consistency. Quality messaging across all channels is very important to uphold standards. In the self-publishing age of social media this is more important than ever. Publishing quality content consistently says, “Here I am. I’ve got something to say and it’s relevant to you.”
The Franchisee
Each franchisee invests to build their business by replicating the proven system. This includes branding, publicity, point of service and delivering on client expectations that are projected by the brand and its promises. Franchisees should receive support in all these areas to help ensure quality delivery of services and to build success. No franchisee invests in a franchise with social media publishing at the forefront of their minds. For this reason alone, the franchisor should lead with the provision of systems, content and publishing in this area and all promotional avenues.
The Client
The client is there to be served at a time when they have a need that the franchise can remove. Building social media followings of new and loyal clients can keep the brand, its development and services at the top of a client’s mind. This helps to build loyalty and business building success. Good content is sharable and is therefore a form of electronic leaflet dropping and referral. Very useful for generating additional business.
Franchise Recruitment
Increasingly potential franchisees are looking across the internet to see what the brand and its multiple participants have to say. It’s important for any potential investor to be able to identify a clear and consistent content strategy across all territories. No visibility can be seen as the brand having little to say and having little influence. Clearly building visibility and engagement across territories will support interest and support confidence for any potential franchisee.
The solution
One-to-many publishing is a strategy that can give back time to franchisees. It can support client engagement and build consistent messaging that is useful to clients and would be franchisees. SocialHANDLER is the management tool that has been specifically developed to deliver this solution. Franchisors own the content plan. They use SocialHANDLER to create and distribute social media posts to their networks at the click of a button. Posts publish at scale across all territories to Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. The result is network wide visibility with the quality and standards required by the franchisor every time.
The Demo
To see SocialHANDLER for yourself, email with the word DEMO in the subject line. Please advise best way and time for us to contact you in the body of the email.
SocialHANDLER, solving social media for franchise networks.