British & International Franchise Exhibition 31 Jan - 1 Feb 2020


Online research

Would-be franchisees often do their early research online. This can be done through a multitude of channels – including advertising portals, the franchisor’s own website, rating sites and social media – all of which can provide valuable insight.


However, there is no better way to assess whether a franchise brand is the right fit than to meet in person. The British & International Franchise Exhibition provides the perfect place for franchisors and prospective franchisees to start the face-to-face assessment process. From this point, both parties can make an informed decision about dedicating time to taking the next steps.

We’ll be there!

Having attended The Franchise Exhibitions for years, we increasingly find that visitors have done their first-level research and use the event as the opportunity to dig a little deeper. If your recruiting, exhibiting could help you fast-track quality prospects to the next stage of your selection process. We’ll be at Olympia on 31 Jan & 1 Feb once again – hope to see you there!